Congregational Care
Mission & Vision

Wesley Church seeks to provide encouragement, support & the love of Christ through our various ministries, personal interaction and both integrating and referring our church family to resources in the community.  Our hope is to be the heart, hands and voice of Jesus in people’s lives. If you need a meal, someone to pray with you or for you, would like visits because you are homebound or would like an encouraging note you can contact me, Beth Foss, using the contact form.

Meal Ministry

It is the desire of the Wesley Church body of believers to actively help care for and serve one another, especially in a time of need.

The Meal Ministry at Wesley Church is an excellent way to serve others, through the gift of food,  sharing the love of the Lord Jesus, and make a difference in someone’s life.  The purpose is simply to help someone in need by providing a ready-made meal. Meals do not have to be fancy or gourmet.  In times of need, it is an incredible blessing to see a friendly face and receive a meal.  Delivering a ready-to-eat meal on someone’s doorstep during a difficult time shows unselfishness, unity, grace and generosity.  Organized meal giving ministries assists with significant life events. When a friend is in need, everyone wonders, “What can I do to help?” One answer is to provide a meal!


Wesley Church provides meals on a short- term basis to help for many situations including:

*The arrival of a new baby                             *Death of a loved one

                    *Severe illness                                               *After surgery or hospitalization

*Job loss                                                        *Home transition


We have also partnered with the New Mom’s Ministry to provide short term meals after the birth of a baby and the Tuesday evening Community Suppers, as we use their leftovers to share with others in need.


Always remember, many hands make light work!



40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ Matthew 25:40  NIV


Hi, my name is Tina Hills, and along with my husband James and son Curtis, we have been attending Wesley for 8 years and attend the 9:15 service.  We live in Peach Bottom & Curtis attends Solanco high school.   We have 2 cats named Louis & Beuford and 1 newly acquired puppy, Moses.  We moved here 9 years ago from Missouri and before that we lived in Germany for 5 years.

To me the Meal Ministry is a way of helping folks in a comforting way.  I’m not the type of person who likes to be in in the spotlight or up front; the Meal Ministry allows me to stay in my kitchen and cook.  After all who doesn’t like food?  People may not remember the meal you gave them but they will always remember the way it made them feel.  

If you’d like to be a part of our Meal Ministry, please contact me using the contact form.   

Card Ministry

A word of encouragement goes a long way to comfort those who are sick or grieving, celebrate a joyous occasion, and share God's love. The volunteers in this ministry intentionally practice sending out notes or greeting cards in order to life people up and encourage them. Please contact Beth if you would like to become involved in this ministry or if you know someone that can benefit by receiving a card or note from someone.